Message for Today from the Past

Over the years my husband and I have been blessed to be surrounded by people that he not only works with, but in many ways, are like family to us.

One particular colleague was also a trustworthy role model and mentor to our two oldest sons.

Our friend, also named John, surprised MaryEllen and me with lovely gifts that were hand made by him.

I enjoyed each gift so much, and have them all in a place of treasure.

He sent this old english garden tool set to me, through my husband, after he and I discussed my love of gardening.

During that conversation, I shared with him how I love getting harvest directly from the earth, and that I had a garden all through out my children's lives to pass that love on to them as well.

Time went by and  I had nearly forgotten about the conversation, until my husband walked in the door with this gift from John.

The letter he wrote touched my heart, and actually brought me to tears. It still does to this day.

We have since lost John Regan due to a heart attack.

But I keep the tools he gave me, and the letter, on a shelf so I can read it over and over.

My plan was to frame the letter. That is still my plan, and one of the first things I would like to do after this current event is over.

Thank you John Regan for your friendship with my family and me. You are forever treasured by the legacy of the art and love that you left behind.

Our seeds are planted for the year, our soil is turned, and our compost is brewing beautifully. We will plant this year, just like we have done every other year.

This current event makes me realize how much all of us could benefit from the love of gardening.

I hope you'll join me, and show me your gardens.

Old English Garden Tools made by John Regan
This years seeds for my garden. The legacy lives on. 

Dear Diane & MaryEllen, 

     I hope you enjoy these garden tools made just for you. They are my version of old english tools used for 100's of years. The long skinny tool is called a dibber (DIBBER) and is used for planting seeds. The larger pointed tool is used for planting bulbs. The rings are seperated by one inch for proper depth of the bulb to be planted. The third tool is a pot tamper.  

     My father in law always said "every child should have the opportunity to help with a garden so they can see the wonders of what God created for us."

Best wishes and happy gardening, 

John Regan  

Rest in peace John.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 30, 2020. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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