In 2015, I handed out 47 jars of jam which I purchased from a company (Steamers) that hires individuals with disabilities.
That simple task led me to Dreamers!
So this year, I am handing out Dreamers Coffee! The Dream Team is handing them out with me! I will post photos on our Facebook page on Monday. We plan to hand out 47 sample packs. One for each chromosome that an individual who has Down syndrome has!
What else am I doing this year?
A few of my friends and I have exchanged socks!
Yes, socks!
Thanks to my friend Danielle Morris, and her sweet son, Kingston, ME and I will be having fun rocking our socks that my friends and I have bought for each other.
Learn more about this by clicking on the World Down Syndrome Day photo below.
What will I be doing this year on World Down Syndrome Day 2016 (Monday, March 21)?
Along with handing out Dreamers Coffee and wearing my fun socks that come my way, I am excited that I get to present again this year in my dear friend's 321 eConference.
Jennifer Smolka has created an affordable way for families to attend conferences with some of the best speakers who are part of the Down syndrome community. You can attend online from where ever you are at! This is truly an incredible opportunity for families to hear from some of the most dedicated individuals in the community.
To register for the 2016 321 Conference click on this photo below.
If you would like to join my session where I share about Dreamers you can sign up here for the Work For ALL track!
And finally, I leave you with my absolute favorite WDSD 2016 video! So proud of my friend Deepa Garwa for creating this excellent piece! This is exactly what WDSD is all about! I simply love it!
Whether you watch this video, wear fun socks, sign up for a conference session or simply give tons of hugs to your loved one who has Down syndrome this Monday, I hope you enjoy your day, and know that every day is a celebration of life! Enjoy your WDSD 2016!
This entry was posted on Saturday, March 19, 2016 and is filed under 321 eConference,Deepa Garwa,socks,World Down Syndrome Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.