If you are interested in sending a Barbie for MaryEllen's Birthday Barbie Party 4 St. Jude here is the information.
ME will be delivering the Barbies to St. Jude when we have enough to take over there. However, you can send the Barbie to the Germantown, TN, UPS Store in the Exeter Village Shopping Center. Thermon is ready to get as many as we can send to deliver them to the kids at St. Jude's.
Here is the address:
ME's Barbie Party 4 St. Jude
Attention: Diane Grover
2095 Exeter Rd Suite 80-227
Germantown, TN 38138
(***If you are local, Thurmon, the owner of this UPS Store in the Exeter Village Shopping Center, said is happy to accept drop offs!)
To learn more about how this came to be read my original post:
We have thought long and hard about how we are going to celebrate ME's 10th birthday. It has been an amazing year, and let's face it, 10 is a great year to celebrate.
We decided it would be a Barbie theme.
If you know ME, you know how much she loves Barbie!
Last week, my dear friend, Eileen MacDonald, sent ME a Barbie in the mail.
To say ME was excited is an understatement.
She screamed like Elvis had entered the room!
I was trying to video tape the screaming, but we were all giggling and smiling so much, and enjoying her reaction, that I could not get the video to work on my phone. Even ME was laughing between the screams.
So when everything calmed down, we video taped a thank you to her sweet friend, Eileen.
And I posted this video to Facebook.
Of course, I wrote back right away!
"Oh, how fun! Yes, this would be awesome, thank you!!! We will give the extras to St. Jude! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Then we thought about it. We were already working on a Barbie themed party to celebrate ME on March 17, St Patty's Day!
What if we asked our friends and family to send us a Barbie and we will bring it to St. Jude's!
And if we get too many for St. Jude's, we will bring them to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital.
And if we still have to many, we will find every child in Memphis who is in need of a Barbie!
We will collect them for the whole year she is 10!
So now we are asking the world to help us. Help us, help others who might need a little smile, or a little inspiration, or a little someone watching them as they do something really brave.
On behalf of ME's 10th birthday, we hope you will consider sending her a Barbie. She will be delivering these Barbies to St. Jude's. And as I said, if St. Jude's gets enough, we will go to the next place where a little girl has a need to find a reason to smile!
If you would like to gift one please send your Barbie to: 2095 Exeter Rd. Suite 80-227 Germantown, TN 38138 (If you are local, this is the UPS Store in the Exeter Village Shopping Center. Thermon says you can drop them off there, and he will add them to the pile!)
**Some have asked, what about the boys? We plan to dedicate all of ME's 11th birthday gifts to the boys. In the mean time, if you would like to send something to ME to donate for her birthday this year, for a boy, we are suggesting a super hero action figure.
**** ME will be ten for a whole year. We will not have a cut off date for those who want to send a Barbie for us to share. Send in all year long, we will deliver them all year long!
***** We will be announcing the farthest location that Barbie travels from! So share, share, share! Thank you!